We're here to help

Setting up your Business Hours in eDesk

If you have your Business Hours set, the SLA timer will only count down during your set hours. This ensures your response performance metrics…

Assigning tickets with Round Robin

eDesk's Round Robin feature automatically assigns tickets to your Support Agents, sharing the workload across the team and maximizing efficiency. Before…

Managing your team’s permissions using roles

All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…

Delivery Configurations

eDesk will allow you to create delivery configurations in your account so we can calculate estimated delivery times for you. This help file…

Setting up your Company details

The company details section allows you to customize and optimize eDesk to meet the needs of your company and users. This help file will guide…

Role permissions

All of your eDesk teammates have a user role associated with their account, giving them access to different tools in eDesk. It’s easy to…

Troubleshooting: eDesk Talk

eDesk Talk is a simple phone solution for small support teams to enable them to provide call support to their customers without having to invest…

Enable WhatsApp Chat through your eDesk Live Chat Widget

eDesk’s Live Chat enables you to add a Whatsapp click-to-chat widget to your website so visitors can start a conversation with your business…

Setting up eDesk's Live Chat

Take your customer care to the next level with eDesk’s Live Chat! It’s quick to set up and customers love the real-time support you can provide. This…

How does eDesk’s Live Chat work for your customers and your team?

Customers love love love the instant results they get when you provide real-time support through Live Chat. eDesk’s Live Chat is simple to…

Setting Service Level Agreement (SLA) Targets

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) define the level of service a customer can expect from a seller or marketplace. One of the most important service…

What are the best practices for creating a 5-star customer experience?

Nowadays, customers can shop from anywhere, at any time, making it harder than ever to get ahead of the competition! Remember that a single bad…

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